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PHOEBE PHELPZ · 602-731-2999 · San Francisco Escort

Updated: February 8, 2023

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There’s a lot about me that could have initially caught your attention. What was it that drew you in? Could it have been the mischievous glimmer in my eyes? The tasteful artwork that adorns my smooth skin? Either way, I’ve got your attention and I intend to keep it. You’ll quickly find there is an incendiary quality about me; a lust for life and a curious nature that will both entice and ignite you. My ever-curious nature has been my gateway to beauty- beautiful places, beautiful art, beautiful food, and beautiful connections. In conversation, I am vibrant, charming, quick-witted and knowledgeable in the arts, history, and music. Behind closed doors, I am equally fiery and sensual- a blaze matched with a sweet, slow burn.

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